Danny Arroyo
Happy Birthday Mr Lewis and may rhe Lord Bless you richly!
Dana Carper
Happy 90th birthday, Mr. Lewis! I'm so glad you're here so I can thank you for sharing your life - especially your genius in comedy - with us. My sister and I have been fans since childhood. I've got children who are fans, and when he's old enough - I'll share you with my grandson, Jeremiah. Thank you again! Love you and may Jesus bless you, Sir! <3
Susan Jones
Happy birthday to the funniest most lovable person ! I love you jerry! Happy birthday ! You have made me laugh many many times and I never get tired of watching your movies!
Maureen Walton
Happy Birthday, Mr. Lewis! Thanks for all the hours of laughter and humanitarian work through the years.
Charline Glowitz
Happy Birthday Jerry. You've brought so much love and laughter to me and to those who are no longer with me. Mazal Tov and LeChaim!!!
Aaron Mood
Happy Birthday to Mr. Lewis,
For good and bad thank you for all of your gifts.
Your movies were grounds for skipping school.
Terri Hoover
Happy Birthday Jerry Lewis!!!! I have been a life long fan!! I am 64 (hard to admit) and have laughed at/with you and loved you for most of those years! Your movies still make me laugh until tears come to my eyes. I grew up watching your telethons and all the wonderful times and entertainment you brought us with them. My son was born in '78 on Labor Day and "we" watched the telethon together!! You have been and always will be my favorite funny man! Much love to you and thanks for all the wonderful years! May you have a wonderful birthday! Terri
Kristina Amador
Im a life long fan of yours. Still to dis day I love watching your movies. A. Great Big Happy Birthday to you Jerry Lewis. And thankcyou for the laughs!!!!!
Elizabeth Sams
Ok, I confess. I'm among those grumps who've always said only the French could appreciate Jerry Lewis. But this amazing collection of clips and facts have given me second thoughts. My apologies, Jerry. And happy birthday!
Karen Peterson
Happy Birthday Mr. Lewis! I have loved you for years!! Love all of your movies and loved the telethons! I hope you have a awesome birthday!!
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